Friday, September 28, 2012

Cute Fall Idea

Hey everyone!  So sorry I haven't really been posting, but I've been super busy!  First, I've read my favorite book, Henry and Mudge: Under the Yellow Moon.
Then, I thought about making the teacher a super cute card to show her what a great teacher she is.  Here's what our card looked like:

The teacher had the biggest smile on her face when the student gave her the card.  It was the best feeling.  This would be the best, and cheapest gift for any teacher!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rick're a genius!

Who is Rick Morris?  Morris is a retired teacher after 31 years of teaching who shared he' amazing behavioral clip chart with us!  This clip chart consists of two things: construction paper and clothes pin.
All of the students start out their day on the "ready to learn" section.  I love this clip chart because it shows that the students can improve!  It promotes students to engage in what they are learning, responsibilities, and overall a safe learning environment for everyone!  I also love the fact their there is not a defined consequence on this chart because there are so many types of misbehaviors, as well as different consequences to them.  Importantly, this shows students that you do know what's going on in your classroom, and that you recognize each student's potential in your classroom.
Another way to decorate a clip chart!

First Day of School Activity

Never read it before? Here you go!
 I've discovered this wonderful book the other day called David Goes to School, and I thought that this would be a perfect way to start a new school year!  This book is about a little boy named David, who doesn't follow the rules whiles he's in school.  At the beginning, David is a peacebreaker because he did not follow the rules; however, later on he becomes a PEACEMAKER.  After reading this book to your class, together as a team discuss rules and procedures, why they are both very important, and make up the rules of the classroom together!  I decided to create my own "David" using the following materials: construction paper, glue, markers, googly eyes, and tops of jars to trace out circles for the head.  The students may personalized David's outfit or follow what I did below!

        Hello everyone!  My name is Emily Freese (soon-to-be Mrs. Pete), and this is my very first education blog!  I am engaged to my best friend of over 4 years, Paul (whose studying to be a high school History/ Civics teacher), and were getting married sometimes after I graduate (which will be May 2014).  For those who do not know me very well, I am a in my second year of college to pursue an elementary education degree to teach grades Pre-K to 5th.
      When I first started college, I applied to pursue a Secondary Education degree in Mathematics!  Do not get me wrong I LOVE my math, but I quickly realized that the older kids were not my style.  Luckily the college I attend requires MANY (and I mean MANY) observation and tutoring hours.  Although getting the hours is tough, I really learned that my calling was the lower grades.

Along with having a passion of teaching, I also love baking sweets!  I've made birthday cakes, baby shower cakes, and more!  My love for baking comes strictly from my grandmother; she's always baking are making something new!
          My sole purpose of creating this blog is to update everyone on mine educational process of becoming an effective educator, my ideas of teachings, as well as others, and creations that I may do.  I hope everyone enjoys reading my post, and I look forward to a lifetime commitment to teaching and my future hubby!

  Ms. F

I made this cake for a good, college friend of mine for her baby shower.  Our mascot is a lion named "Roomie", and our colors are green and yellow. Go Lions!